As we look forward to another busy and exciting year of sport, I’d like to highlight some key information for students and families. Some systems introduced last year will continue, and we’re excited to build on them in 2025. The students attended my sports presentation at yesterday's Orientation Day where most of these topics were discussed.
Term 1 Key Dates & Information:
Term 1 is undoubtedly the busiest time for school sport, with major events such as Swimming and Athletics in Weeks 2 and 3. Here are some key focus areas for the first three weeks:
Students to complete Sports Registration Forms: These were sent to students' email, or the main caregivers email (for new students) in December last year. They are:
Swimming Prelims
Athletics Day
Summer Competition Sport
Tuesday Sports Time Activities
Winter Competition Sport
Details about what each form is about can be found at the top of the form. Please let me know if your child did not receive these and I will resend them.
Preparation for Swimming Sports (Founders Day, Sat 15th Feb): Swimming prelims for all students are to be done at school during P.E classes, Tuesday Sports Time (first 2 weeks) and lunchtimes. This will then determine the swimmers who will swim on Founders Day.
Students need to bring togs EVERYDAY - regardless of whether you have PE or not.
If you have a child who is not confident, or has a medical exemption for swimming, please can you notify the school office. A call or email to the office from the parent is required, not a paper note.
Preparation for Athletics Day (Tues 18th Feb): Students need to complete the Athletics Registration ASAP so I can enter them into the online Athletic Net system before Athletics Day.
Mark Harris coordinates our event via Athletic Net, therefore all students need to be entered no later than Friday 14th Feb.
Weekly Sport Draws: Contains all the school organised sport activities, games and events for that week.
Sport Expectations: Setting P.E. and sports uniform requirements, introducing new Sportspersons Code of Conduct (attached)
Summer Sport & Tuesday Sports Time: As mentioned above these rely on the students completing the registration forms so I can finalise team lists and entries for summer competition sports and Tuesday Sports Time activities.

New for 2025:
New look Wairarapa Secondary School Sport website (WaiSSSport) This is an ideal location for any parent or student wishing to know more about competition sport in the Wairarapa secondary school space. The website now comprises current and updated information on sports offered, days of the week and costs. Once schools enter teams, draws will be posted here too. I will collate all draws into our weekly school draw.
Solway College Sports Collective: Sports Code Captains along with other students from all year groups, will come together to discuss ideas to support and encourage our school’s sporting culture. The group will help build ideas and promote school sports, present term themes, support at events, and develop leadership and communication skills through presentations at assemblies.
Ignite and Elevate Program: Born from Solway College’s workshop with Wayne Taylor at NZCIS last year, this exciting new opportunity, offered by WaiSSSport, focuses on sports mindset, leadership, communication, training, and nutrition. Designed for senior students from all secondary schools who are passionate about sports and leadership, the program provides tools to unlock your full potential. The program consists of 3-hour workshops each term, requiring a 12-month commitment. Spaces are limited per school, and more details will be shared in the early weeks of term for those interested in applying.